Saturday, April 17, 2010

Mindless self-indulgence

Today at school, my homeroom teacher made everyone fill out a list of favourite things for a get-to-know-each-other task. And since you don’t know anythin’ ‘bout me, I’ll just write out my answers to the questions here.

Favourite Activity I’m not sure what you mean by ‘activity’. Maybe reading people’s minds.
Favourite Color I’m colour-blind.
Favourite Subject At School Ew, are you seriously forcing me to think about school AT SCHOOL?
Favourite Food Does ice count as a food?
Favourite Singer/Band KoRn. Good memories. Like when someone asked “What are you watching?” and I replied with “KoRn”, but they thought I said porn.
Favourite Secondary School Teacher I hate them all.
Favourite TV Shows The six o’clock news.
Favourite Movie Made In The Last Three Years Twilight. Team Charlie all the way!
Favourite Animal Gremlin.

Those are the original answers I wrote for each question. I was just too annoyed at the time & couldn’t be bothered to answer properly. So I guess that’s not telling you much about me. xx Peppercorn Swirls


Abby. said...

Haahaha funny! Especially the Team Charlie one. :)